International Asexuality Day – Kate Wood
April 6th marks the 3rd International Asexuality Day, a day on which we celebrate the…
A life saving and life affirming comic
Imagine you’re a young person living in rural or outback Australia. You know that you’re…
A humble request for your vote
Read why Angel Hellyer wants your vote for the 2022 Westfield Woden Local Heroes program,…
National Volunteer Week 2022: Better Together
By Megan Watts, President of Diversity ACT One of the great joys of being both…
President Diversity ACT speech at opening of ACT AFL Pride game
Speech of 14 May 2022. Well – I have to say that when I was…
Asexuality and the fight for recognition
By Cat Cotsell, provided for International Asexuality Day 2022. This piece is based on my…